Kalypso's days leading up to the birth:

- September 18th videos of each puppy are up!
- Videos are now up of each puppy at 3 1/2 weeks old. All the videos are so cute. Some are still shy, scared and my favorite videos are puppy 4 and 2. Go check out the puppy videos and let us know which is your favorite.

- August 23rd, 2013 Kalypso gave birth to 9 Wolfies.
- After 22 hours, Kalypso has birthed her entire litter. She is now the new, proud mama of 9 healthy pups. We welcome into this world 6 beautiful boys and 3 gorgeous girls.

- August 21st, 2013 Kalypso is ready to give birth.
- She is showing signs that the birth of her puppies is nearing. The veterinarian estimates 11 or more puppies and assesses Kalypso to be healthy and strong!

- Kalypso and Anarkhos have beenĀ best pals since they were puppies
- New first time parents, Kalypso and Anarkhos, have been best pals since puppyhood.